
Plant Based Meal Planner and Nutrition Guide

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $15.00.

ON SALE NOW FOR SUMMER! Science tells us that a well planned whole food, plant-based diet is one of the healthiest diets on the planet.

But, like any diet, we can miss key nutrients unless we eat a wide range of foods and understand how our dietary requirements change over time.

The Beet Retreat Meal Planner and Nutrition Guide is a 120 page ebook that contains 80 whole food vegan recipes. While focusing on maximising absorbability of dietary calcium and a suitable amount of plant based protein for those at midlife, we know that it is equally important, if not more so, to ensure that our young people achieve their peak bone density by the age of 30.

Just like superannuation, this matters a lot in later life.

Hence this ebook focuses its delicious recipes on simple, high nutrient meals for all ages and stages.

Borne of a deep desire to empower others throughout the decades, the planner was created in consultation with Dietician and Nutritionist Emma Strutt (

Available for immediate download or as a gift certificate.


Now on SALE for Summer!  120 pages and 80 deliciously simple whole food recipes that the whole family will love and thrive on!

While I created this Vegan Meal Plan/Recipes with other midlife women in mind, these recipes and the nutrition info contained, are relevant to all.

Ladies, and indeed Gents, bone density is a thing!  A thing we need to be proactive about…from a young age!

How we eat and live before we reach 30 will play a very large role in determing how dense our bones are.  Kinda like money in the bank.  As we age, and particularly after 50 or menopause we start making a lot more withdrawals and will find it much more difficult to stay in the black if we arent conscious and vigilant.

This isnt meant to scare you but I hope it motivates you!

Reaching our 40’s and 50’s is a time when how we’ve lived our previous years, the good, the bad and the ugly, begins to catch up.  When we discover that some of the things that we could once do (or get away with!) we no longer can.

For women, we may experience peri-menopause or indeed menopause itself, as early as our late 30’s or early 40’s.  Whatever the age, the cessation of menopause is a timely reminder to become more engaged with our health beyond the superficial.   This may be the first time in our lives we’ve ever really contemplated the quality of our bone or perhaps, even our health in general.

We Have the (Plant) Power:

There are elements within our diet and lifestyle that we, men and women alike, need to pay attention to in order to preserve, or indeed create, a healthy, thriving body.  It’s a somewhat inconvenient truth for many of us.   We need to be more proactive in co-creating robust health that can dynamically sustain us well into our 90’s.   Fracture, heart disease, obesity, cognitive decline, diabetes, loss of muscle tissue and many cancers and inflammatory diseases need not be part of our ageing process.  We have so much more control regarding the ongoing quality of our lives than we think.  Simply through our day to day practices.  Making better choices.  Simple but truly profound choices.

Plant Based Knowledge is Power.  

Front cover of The Beet Retreat Plant Based Nutrition Guide

Knowledge is power! How to eat the whole food plant based way to thrive in midlife and beyond.

This bundle includes both The Beet Retreat Nutrition Guide (44 pages) and the Meal Planner (76 pages).  The bundle contains 85 whole food plant based recipes with no refined sugars, minimal salt and very little oil (oil is listed as an option only in a handful of recipes)

Included in the Nutrition Guide are several pages specifically addressing health issues that those of us in our middle years are more likely to experience or should be mindful of.   These Nutrition Know How pages have been contributed by Emma Strutt, a highly respected Dietician and Nutritionist based in Queensland, Australia.   Emma is also the dietician I sought out after my own diagnosis with osteoporosis mid 2020.

Menopause and Osteoporosis

My diagnosis came as a big surprise, to me and to those who know me, including health professionals.  I’d always led an active life.  In 2012, peri-menopausal at 50, I went vegan.  I was, thankfully, eating a mostly healthy, whole food diet. But I was also a light framed caucasian woman and doing little weight bearing exercise due to a recovering back injury.  Diet aside, it was a perfect storm.

I SHOULD have returned to more specific weight bearing exercise as soon as I could.   And been more mindful of my intake of calcium rich plant foods like calcium fortified soy milk and tofu, asian greens and kale and white beans.  I had very few of these foods.  Thankfully I had given up acid forming animal products but I could have done so much better in those critical first 8 years of menopause.

I had suffered a back injury at work in 2011.  Recovering 18 months later, the last thing I wanted was to be stuck inside pumping weights.  I “knew” I should but I did not empower myself with enough knowledge.  Instead I began ultra running, starting from ever increasing walking distances.  As I recovered, the pull of wide, wild places was stronger than a then hypothetical bone density issue.

I have learnt that long distance running CAN break down not only muscle tissue, but bone also. Shorter distance running or jogging however, is beneficial.

Bone Breakdown and Remodelling:

The breakdown and remodelling of bone in itself is normal and necessary in everyone.  The Bone tissue is continually remodelled through the highly effective cycle of resorption and formation. Cells called osteoclasts perform the task of removing aged or useless bone.   Osteoblasts are responsible for the formation of new bone.  This is how our skeletal system, our bones, stay strong and dense.

When the interplay between the two is impaired however, problems arise. At menopause, the drop of oestrogen leads to more bone resorption than formation.  At this age we may also become less active. Spend less time outside in natural sunlight (Vitamin D deficiency).  We may also drink more alcohol and smoke.  And very likely eat less whole plant foods.  All these factors contribute to the risk of developing osteoporosis and other lifestyle related health problems.

There is so much in our control and it is never too late to implement positive change.  In fact it is even more of an imperative as we age!

Enjoy these family friendly recipes!   May they be just the start of the tool kit you are building for a life of discovery and empowerment.

Hot Tips Beyond this Guide:

If you are menopausal or have fractured from simple falls previously, do get a (DEXA) bone density test.  You will need a referral from your GP.  If there are no pre- existing health issues you will likely be out of pocket.  I did. But it was so worth it!

Do seek the guidance of a dietician experienced in plant based nutrition.  I would urge you to look at the website under Vegan Nutrition for a health practitioner in your area.

If you are international, contact a regional vegan group for assistance in finding qualified health professionals.

More Life in our Years and Years in our Life:

In closing, I hope you discover many favourite recipes and lots of useful and empowering information in these pages. The premature breakdown of our bodies is not a normal part of ageing.

I once heard an esteemed plant based doctor say “We aren’t living longer, we are dying longer”. While ageing and death is inevitable, let it not be prematurely from a condition or disease preventable with lifestyle interventions.

Life has so much more to offer us as older people.  Our latter years should and CAN be some of the happiest, most experience packed of our many decades!

May these guides be the start of something wonderful for you and yours.

yours in a plant strong life,


Jan Saunders